
Stress is a phenomenon unaware of human adaptation to changes and demands of the environment in which they live.
Our nervous system is designed primarily to ensure survival.
Therefore faced with a physical threat or psychological physiological mechanisms enable us, like every animal species in the face of danger "fighting or fleeing."
Today "aggression" that threaten us are mainly psychological rather than physical, due to emotional and relational conflicts, and therefore can not be dealt with the fight or flight, but rather require an accommodation.
When the opportunity to become inadequate and insufficient adaptation of the organism may occur states of tension, discomfort, real diseases.
The fact that the problems of life can have an impact on physical and mental health is well known, and proven by scientific research started from the beginning of the last century. This research has made known the mechanisms by which the brain directs and controls all the organs of our body.
In recent years there is also a better understanding of the complex relationship that exists between the brain and the immune system (which defends the body from foreign aggressors or internal), the endocrine system, the autonomic nervous system, and their changes as a result of situations stress. These changes result in the onset of various ailments and real diseases, mental or physical.
You can develop anxiety syndromes, phobias and depression, or physical illness of various kinds depending on the genetic predisposition of the stressors in fact attack the weakest parts of each body.
The REAC Therapy is an innovative diagnostic and therapeutic concept, aimed at optimizing the body's response against a number of diseases and conditions related to a biological responses to stress.
The REAC THERAPY is accomplished through the use of an apparatus which emits a very weak and particularly radiofrequency field, free from side effects, which by interacting with the body, by means of a specific connection, highlights the changes to our nervous system dysfunctional that the 'whole body has undergone over time.
The REAC THERAPY then allows the nervous system to do a '"self-diagnosis" of the entire body and to implement strategies of "self-correction" in relation to symptoms and general pathology from dysfunctional adaptation, allowing progressive Neuro Psycho Physical Optimization of the subject being treated.
The results of therapy are independent of the collaboration and patient age
Highlights of the REAC Therapy are:
consists of a single short "activation", completely painless and non-invasive, implemented on a specific point of the ear, the point is personalized for each patient.
This technique has the objective to optimize, in an immediate and long-lasting control of the Central Nervous System postural attitude, whose most obvious effect is a steady disappearance of the "functional disproportions", a hallmark and constant in patients with General adaptation syndrome.
Other effects, more or less evident according to the initial pathology, are:
Recovery of postural alignment check
Reduction of symptoms related to postural imbalance
Improvement of some joint function
Improvement of the psycho-emotional and mood.


consists of a single short "activation", completely painless and non-invasive, implemented on a specific point of the ear, the point is personalized for each patient.
This technique has the objective to optimize, in an immediate and long-lasting control of the Central Nervous System postural attitude, whose most obvious effect is a steady disappearance of the "functional disproportions", a hallmark and constant in patients with General adaptation syndrome.
Other effects, more or less evident according to the initial pathology, are:
Recovery of postural alignment check
Reduction of symptoms related to postural imbalance
Improvement of some joint function
Improvement of the psycho-emotional and mood.
this treatment protocol serves a dual purpose:
1. Correct at the CNS level outcomes of adaptive mechanisms dysfunctional, in order to regain an optimal control on the organism, recovering the organic functions compromised.
2. Recover a correct management capabilities psycho-emotional-behavioral stress, so as not to suffer the destabilizing consequences, but the opposite face and sharing the benefits.
It is not a symptomatic treatment of functional disorders, but is targeted to act on the causes of the same, and when possible limiting rimovendole. Therefore, subject to some immediate benefits, the effects on symptoms and disease progression occur in the therapy sessions.
The ONPF is in session activation through CRM, on seven points of the ear. This anatomical structure, for its rich innervation and its characteristics of somatotipia, allows an approach easily accessible to interact with the Nervous System.
In the initial stages, the therapeutic cycles are composed of eighteen sessions, which may have variable frequency by more sessions during the same day, up to once every 15 days, depending on the individual clinical pictures.
The therapy is absolutely non-invasive, painless, free of side effects. Does not require patient cooperation and its results are long lasting.
Activation technique on specific peripheral areas of the body, indicated when symptoms and / or diseases are attributable to the Local Adaptation Syndrome, ie when there is damage caused by bad posture, trauma themselves, psycho-emotional tension of origin. You get benefits in microcirculatory level, with increased lymphatic drainage, decontracting effects, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, with a "revitalization" of the tissues.
very refined treatment protocol that is used to balance muscle imbalances.
As esemplicativo, the following table shows some of the diseases, broken down by specialized branches, which can more easily be determined and / or supported by the effects of the General Adaptation Syndrome and therefore amenable to treatment with CRM Treatment
Algology: Turbe functional and psychological symptoms related to algic.
ALLERGOLOGY: Syndromes allergic, atopic syndromes.
ANDROLOGY: Impotence, Premature ejaculation, Turbe libido, infertility functional.
CARDIOLOGY: Arrhythmias, hypertension, hypotension, palpitations, tachycardia.
Dermatology: Psoriasis, Acne, Eczema, Dermatitis, Herpes, Alopecia, Vitiligo.
HEMATOLOGY: bone marrow hypoplasia, anemia.
ENDOCRINOLOGY: hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Turbe hormonal function.
GASTROENTEROLOGY: Dyspepsia, constipation, colitis, gastritis, Crohn's disease, Retticolite colitis, hemorrhoids, chronic hepatitis, Turbe functional digestive system.
GERIATRICS: Turbe senile.
GYNECOLOGY: Dismenorree, amenorrhea, menstrual irregularities, Menometrorragie, vulvovaginitis, Ipogalttia, climacteric syndrome.
Immunology: Autoimmune Syndromes.
Neurology: neuralgic syndromes, Neuritis, Paralysis of the facial Outcomes from polio, outcomes from vascular accidents, Tics, dystonia neuromotor, Turbe balance, Menier's syndrome, epilepsy syndromes, Headache, Migraine, neurodegenerative syndromes, Insomnia, Sleep Troubles.
SPORTS MEDICINE: Prevention and treatment of stress-related syndromes of preparation and competition.
Aesthetic Medicine: Cellulite, subcutaneous tissue dystrophies.
PATOLGIE metabolic disorders: diabetes, dyslipidemia, obesity, thinness.
VASCULAR DISEASES: Artireopatie obstructive Raynaud's disease, Turbe microvascular arteriovenous, vascular disorders resulting from postural disturbances.
OPHTHALMOLOGY: allergic conjunctivitis, Functional disorders of vision.
Dentistry: TMJ disorders, occlusal issues.
ORTHOPEDICS: arthritic disorders, Ernie discs, disorders resulting from ipercarichi functional myopathies, ligamentous laxity, tendon.
PNEUMOLOGY: asthma, dyspnoea, Emphysema.
POSTUROLOGY: Attitudes scoliosis, ipocifotici Attitudes, Attitudes hyper-ipolordosici, Turbe of the plantar stance, posture Turbe complex.
PSYCHIATRY: Turbe psychosomatic, United anxious and phobic, post-traumatic neurosis, depressive syndromes, Distimie, anorexia, bulimia, Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, Turbe neurotic Neurastenie.
Rheumatology: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Periarthritis, canalicular syndromes (carpal and tarsal tunnel), Epicondylitis, Fibromyalgia.
TRAUMA: Outcomes of fractures, Outcome of sprains, muscle injury outcomes, outcomes of surgery.
UROLOGY: recurrent cystitis, enuresis, incontinence, Strangury, Prostatitis